Becoming a Dewees owner is a lifestyle decision.

Our amenities include open spaces, private and pristine beaches, acres of marsh and maritime forest, and a connected community. Where others may choose a country club or urban lifestyle, we choose the sounds of birdsong and the waves on the beach, clean waters, unspoiled shellfish beds, elbow room between neighbors, and the ability to learn and laugh with our friends. Our fabulous community with a thriving social life is founded on a commitment to enjoying the natural environment in perpetuity. It is a gift to the future.

Dewees Island is private. All visitors interested in viewing real estate must be a guest of a property owner or of an approved POA Real Estate Agent. 

An Introduction to Dewees Island

2024 Fees & Assesments

POA Assessments – Improved & Unimproved* Property
Annual Operating Assessment ……………………………………………….$13,818(annually)/$1,186.05(monthly)*
Annual Capital Reserve Assessment…………………………………………….$5,500(annually)/$472.08(monthly)*
Reserve Supplemental Assessment TBD**

*Annual assessments are billed October 1 and due Oct 31. A monthly payment program is offered at a 3% interest rate. Members participating in annual payments, or the installment plan will setup and initiate the annual payment or 12 monthly installments by ACH accordingly.

*Unimproved properties qualify for development incentive deferral assessment program for a 50% deferral on annual carrying costs (POA Operating and Capital Assessments ONLY) for 3 years. Contact POA Management for more information on the development incentive deferral assessment program.

** Supplemental reserve assessments may be used to address needs for additional reserve funding.

Public Safety (billed annually)
All Improved Property $2,625Homes under construction will be billed on a pro-rata basis upon completion of pilings in the ground.

Marina Slip Rental Effective 1/1/2024-9/ 31, 2024) (billed January 1)
$22/ft per month (billed on the greater of the length of slip or length of vessel)
20’ Slip ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. $5,280
25’ Slip ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. $6,600
Parking Fees
Property Owner Annual Fee ………………………………………………………………………………………….….……. $900
(All Improved Lots will be billed.)
Property Owner Two Week Pass ……………………………………………………………………………………….…… $285

Ferry Fees (High owner participation rate for pass purchases required; Board will review on September 28)
Individual One-way Ride …………………………………………………….……………….……………………$25.00
Developed lots Unlimited Ferry Pass - Available for purchase September 11 - September 25, 2023, and effective October 1, 2023, through September 31, 2024. New owners will work with management for an appropriate pro-rata pass plan purchase. Passes apply to all visitors per lot. Ridership tier based on rides from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023*A monthly payment program is offered at a 3% interest rate
Over 700 ride History……………………………………………….$7,000(annually)/$600.83(monthly)*
500-699 ride History………………………………………………..$6,500(annually)/$557.92(monthly)*
300-499 ride history…………………………………………………$4,500(annually)/$386.25(monthly)*
50-299 ride history……………………..……………………………$3,500(annually)/$300.42(monthly)*

Construction Pass (Office must be notified of intent to purchase by the 15th of the prior month)

$ 3,000 monthly pass for home construction and remodeling projects
Major Renovations and Home Builds need to pay $25/ride or buy a construction pass. They may not ride on the Lot Owners pass

Unimproved Lot Owners Package………………………………………………………………………………………..$500

Package purchase includes a unlimited ferry ride pass for the year, marina lot parking, 14 nights at the Huyler House with no additional charge for housekeeping and golf cart use during the Huyler House stay.

Unimproved lot ferry passes may not be used for major renovations and home builds.
A $30 fee will apply for all reservations cancelled inside 72 hours.
Owners who own undeveloped and developed lots must purchase a pass for their developed lot.Ferry Exceptions (ride ferry at no charge):
Staff and Guests of POA, Children 3 and under, Real Estate agents and their guests.


Architectural & Environmental Design Guidelines

 Architectural & Environmental Design Guideline overview. Listed below are some of the guidelines. Please refer to the guidelines in full for complete information. 

November 2022

Addenda July ‘09

The mission of the Dewees Island Architectural Resource Board (A.R.B.) is to ensure that development occurs in accordance with the philosophy of environmental preservation expressed in the Design Guidelines and Island Covenants. The review process includes three approval steps, (1) sketch design approval, (2) preliminary design approval and (3) final construction document approval prior to construction. The A.R.B. suggests that property owners begin the review process early to allow ample time to obtain the required permits, allowing for potential delays. The A.R.B. will consist of at least an architect, a Dewees Island property owner, and an environmentalist.

A. Use of Design Professionals
Addenda July ’09, updated March ‘21

All design and construction activities should blend with and reinforce the natural amenities of Dewees Island.
To preserve the beauty and character of the Island, it is essential that the development of each lot be done with extreme care. We require each property owner to engage the services of a registered South Carolina architect (Form 11, Dewees Island Design and Construction Checklist). A landscape architect or professional landscape designer, experienced in the principles of xeriscaping and use of native plants, may be necessary based on lot characteristics to prepare landscape plans for the site if there is significant site disturbance or vegetation buffers on setbacks are reduced or diminished to provide as determined by the A.R.B. It is hoped that design professionals commissioned for work on Dewees Island will have been recognized professionally as being outstanding environmental and residential designers. Teamwork between the design and building professionals will result in a more successful design solution to the particular challenges of building on Dewees Island.

B. Steps in the ARB Approval Process
  1. Engage the services of a qualified registered architect, qualified registered engineer, and landscape professional.
  2. Review the Dewees Island Covenants and the Design Guidelines with your design professionals.
  3. Obtain a boundary, topographical and tree survey as described in the Guidelines.
  4. Architect, contractor, landscape architect and owner conduct a walk-through of the lot with the Land Ecologist.
  5. Develop site analysis and sketch designs or bubble diagrams and submit those to the A.R.B. for Sketch Review with the submittal fee. Owner and design professional attendance is required at this review.
  6. Upon approval of Sketch Review prepare and submit schematic designs to the A.R.B. for Preliminary Design Review. These schematic designs shall take into consideration any comments from the A.R.B. Sketch Review.
  7. Upon approval of Preliminary Design Review prepare and submit final construction drawings to the A.R.B. for Construction Documents Review. These final designs shall take into consideration any comments from the A.R.B. Preliminary Design Review.
  8. After approval of the Construction Documents Review the property owner shall submit three (3) complete sets of construction documents to the A.R.B. as well as a digital copy of all drawings with the completed ARB Form 4 Application for Construction Permit, the Owner's Cash Deposits, and Owner's Utility Fees (Appendix #4). After verification that all items are in order, the A.R.B. will stamp the construction documents as approved for construction and issue a Dewees Island Construction Permit.
  9. A.R.B. approval is valid up to one (1) year, after which time, the approved documents will be subject to changes in the A.R.B. Guidelines, site conditions, and adjacent construction. If construction has not begun within one (1) year, a second Construction Documents Review and Review Fee will be required.
  10. Once a Dewees Island A.R.B. Construction Permit is received the property owner can submit to Charleston County for a County Building Permit.
  11. At the completion of work and prior to occupancy, the owner must obtain a Dewees A.R.B. Application for Certificate of Completion (Form 6). Once the Certificate of Completion is granted the owner may apply for a Certificate of Occupancy from Charleston County.
  12. The checklist used by the A.R.B. for design and construction requirements can be found in Form 11 (Dewees Island Design and Construction Checklist). This may be helpful as a guide during the development process.

C. Permits
In an effort to maintain continuity of process and adherence to the regulations stipulated in the Island’s covenants, all requests for permits from a government agency (Charleston County, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OOCRM), South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), the Corps of Engineers, etc.) shall be submitted to the A.R.B. for review of the merits of the request. If the A.R. B. approves the request, the property owner can then apply for the permit from the required government agency. The Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OOCRM) has made compliance with the "Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions of the Dewees Island P.O.A." a part of the permit conditions.

D. Construction Phase
No site clearing, pile driving, deliveries or other construction activities may be initiated without the approval of the A.R.B. The Architect and Landscape Professional will be required to review the progress of the work and shall each submit a “Certificate of Compliance” signed by the architect, stating the construction was completed in accordance with the approved drawings (Construction Process Review, Form 10). This must be submitted prior to issue of a Certificate of Completion by the A.R.B.

E. Regulatory Factors
Prior to seeking final approval, the ocean front property owner should review the 1988 Beachfront Management Act as well as the State Beachfront Jurisdictional Lines, both obtainable through SCDHEC, to gain a better understanding and respect for coastal construction rules and regulations. This Act promotes responsible development as well as building requirements in relation to State Beachfront Jurisdictional Lines. In the development of a building design, the owner must consider several state and federal regulations. The following is a breakdown of the different types of regulatory agencies involved in the approval process at Dewees Island:

1. Federal Regulations

Addenda March ‘21
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides flood insurance rate maps which aid insurance agencies in determining flood insurance rates. Structures built in FEMA regulated areas must comply with the requirements in its guidelines and regulated by Charleston County through their ordinance for construction in flood hazard areas. (See FEMA in the Site Planning Section V., B., 4., c.). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approves all waterway, lake, marsh, freshwater and saltwater wetland area construction. This includes bridge and dock construction. Structures must also comply with the following ARB requirements:
  • The minimum first floor elevation is 19’ (design flood elevation for Dewees Island).
  • Ground floor areas must be enclosed with vertical or horizontal wood slatting with minimum ¾” gaps if visible by neighbors or community areas.
  • Up to 300 sq./feet may be enclosed on the ground floor for the storage of bicycles or fishing tackle with class 4 & 5 building materials such as pressure treated plywood or Ipe (sustainably harvested) for general storage of outdoor items provided flood vents are installed, and the structure is constructed with breakaway walls. This enclosed area shall not be insulated, heated, or cooled and may not be used for living area.
  • Block wall foundation is not permitted.

2. State Regulations

Addenda March ‘21
The Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OOCRM) regulates all oceanfront construction, salt-water wetland, and marsh alterations. OOCRM has developed regulations for building in critical areas of the state’s coastal zone. The Dewees Island P.O.A has negotiated oceanfront setbacks for all lots in the setback zone and established a Building Restriction Line as part of a Planned Unit Development, in front of which (toward the beach) placement of structures is not permitted. Rebuilding of all damaged structures seaward of the OCRM Beachfront Jurisdictional Lines falls under the Beachfront Management Act. The Dewees Island P.O.A has also negotiated setbacks for all lots along the critical marsh line, in front of which placement of structures is not permitted. All freshwater wetlands on the Island have been defined and located and are indicated on the purchaser’s plat. No disturbance of wetlands is permitted. Bridging of wetlands is possible but requests must be submitted to the A.R.B. for review and approval.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) gives approval for the water supply and water distribution programs, sewage collection, treatment, and disposal systems for Dewees Island as well as for its docks.

3. Charleston County
Building permits are issued and inspections are conducted by the Charleston County Building Inspections Department. Charleston County administers The Tree Preservation Ordinance. In some instances, the wildlife and environmental covenants in effect at Dewees may be more restrictive. All vegetation removal, other than normal landscape maintenance, must be approved by the A.R.B.

Buildings on Dewees should be designed to channel resources so that people can
  • Live well;
  • Function as a positive part of their environment;
  • Respect the rights of others to use the same resources.
Every building must meet specific needs in eight basic categories that are common to all natural communities:
  • energy
  • suitable air quality
  • water
  • resource cycling (the sustainable approach to “waste management”)
  • suitable habitat
  • communication
  • transportation
  • aesthetic and spiritual fulfillment
The following process and standards are intended to help create buildings that meet these needs and simultaneously achieve Five Fundamental Objectives of Sustainability:
  • Efficient Resource Use, including Energy, Materials, and Water
  • Minimal Toxicity of Materials and Processes
  • Preservation and Restoration of Natural Systems
  • Quality of Community
  • Economic Viability
Economic viability is a fundamental objective, and unrealistically expensive approaches to meet other objectives are not considered sustainable. In practical terms, this means that in the short-term, no building or community can “do everything” or be considered the ultimate achievement in sustainability. We have to contend with several hundred years of habit and infrastructure that do not contribute to sustainability. The important thing is to take steps in the right direction and make the best effort possible in the specific context of each building. To this end, the architect of each project will be required to submit a written evaluation of the ways in which the project is environmentally sustainable, with reference to the five fundamental objectives above. When evaluating costs, it is essential to consider ongoing operating expenses as well as initial outlay. Typical payback periods for energy efficiency investments, for example, are about one to three years; after that, these investments make money for the owner. Some lending institutions offer preferential mortgage rates for homes incorporating resource efficient designs because these homes will have significantly lower operating costs.

A. Site Visit, Analysis, and Survey
The first step in the design process is to inventory the existing assets of the surrounding environment. This is the context to which the design must respond, and the resource base that can support the functions of the building.
  1. Following a complete tour and orientation to the Island, each owner, architect, contractor, and landscape architect must visit the site and conduct a visual survey of the setting, the immediate surroundings, and the broader environment. It is important all team members designers understand the unique amenities of the site and of its larger context.
  2. A detailed site analysis is required for each lot. This must include parts of surrounding areas and consider the potential impact of the building site from key vantage points, including neighboring lots.

Read the full guidelines here. 


Information For Realtors

  • Agents new to Dewees Island, must contact the Island Administrator to set up a meeting before performing real estate activity on the island.
  • A licensed agent must always accompany real estate clients on all island visits.
  • Licensed agents must create an account with the Dewees Island management system, Northstar.
  • Licensed agents must enter each client into the ferry visitor management system prior to embarking on the ferry. Licensed agents and clients may ride the ferry to visit a lot or home on the market, without charge, once they are set up in Northstar.
  • A potential buyer may stay at a Huyler House suite for one night, only after they have been vetted by the licensed real estate agent and is under contract. Availability permitted.
  • A licensed agent may utilize the listing bulletin at the Dewees Island Marina once approved by the Island Administrator. The listing advertisement must fit sizing requirement.
  • A listing agent may provide a business card holder to be mounted at the Dewees Island Marina in the designated area once they have approval from the Island Administrator.
  • Licensed agents may rent a golf cart from the POA as transportation on the island while performing real estate activities pertaining to a sale of a Dewees Island property.
  • Licensed agents must sign an indemnification release and waiver of liability form prior to working on Dewees or renting a golf cart.

Below is a list of approved Dewees Real Estate Agents 
If you would like to view property for sale, please contact one of the realtors below.